Reddit Monitor

Productized Service


We want to engage with our potential users/customers and fellow hobbyists but we are all busy in our lives and don’t necessarily have the time to monitor subreddits all the time.


I have created a way to get notified of any activity on my subreddits of interest based on the keywords of my choice. The notifications come in to my inbox daily and allow me to read only the posts that I might want to learn from or engage with.


Here is a look at in action.

Sample Email

Sample email from reddit monitor

Keyword Setup

Setup reddit monitor using a Google Sheet


The best part is that there are no recurring costs associated with running this setup. I am using an AWS Lambda to read from Reddit using my personal account. I use a Google Spreadsheet to setup the subreddits and keywords of interest. Of course I did spend a good amount of effort on writing up the code for this service. Additionally I spent the time to setup the infrastructure on AWS, Google Cloud (to hook up the spreadsheet) and Reddit (to create a developer account).


I am offering my time to help you get setup with this really useful service to get daily updates (or even more frequent if you’d like) in your inbox. I am charging a one-time $100 for this service setup with no recurring costs to you. Book a call with me to get started.

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